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Compassionate Veterinary Hospice
And In-Home Euthanasia

(773) 244-1045


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About Us

Helping pets with quality of life and peaceful partings!

Compassionate Veterinary Hospice  provides palliative, consultation and in home euthanasia services for seriously ill pets and their dedicated families in Chicago and throughout Northeastern Illinois. We provide training in palliative care and end of life communication to veterinary teams in the area and nationally.

At Compassionate Veterinary Hospice, you will find the loving care, support and guidance you are looking for to ensure your pet’s final journey is peaceful and gentle for your pet and your entire family.  Facing the final days of your pet’s life is an emotional journey filled with questions and decisions, and we are here to assist and support you through this important but difficult time in your life.

Hospice care for pets is an alternative to premature euthanasia. It is also an alternative to prolonged suffering, either in the isolation of intensive care or at home without adequate comfort measures and support. Our hospice program’s emphasis on the dying pet’s quality of life gives the family precious quality time and helps them cope with the approaching death of their pet.

Helping pets with quality of life and peaceful partings

Schedule your Consultation today

At Compassionate Veterinary Hospice, you will find the loving care, support and guidance you are looking for to ensure your pet’s final journey is peaceful and gentle for your pet and your entire family.