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Compassionate Veterinary Hospice
And In-Home Euthanasia

(773) 244-1045


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Is Veterinary Hospice Right for You?

Hospice care is a family-centered approach to caring for animals with serious incurable illness. The animal hospice team includes, at a minimum, a hospice veterinarian and a veterinary nurse specializing in animal hospice nursing. The pet’s primary caregivers [human family or owners] must also take an active part in caring for the pet, assessing his or her condition and making important treatment decisions. Your family veterinarian can participate in your pet’s hospice care if both you and the veterinarian are interested. Other participants in the team could be a pet sitter, a grief counselor or a spiritual support person.

Supporting you and your pet is our mission

Supporting your family is our hospice team’s highest priority . At Compassionate Veterinary Hospice, the hospice relationship starts with a virtual care appointment by one of our hospice veterinarians. The visit helps us understand your pet’s needs as well as your needs. It also helps you find out more about the rewards and responsibilities of being a hospice caregiver for your pet, so you can decide whether hospice is the best choice for you and for your pet.

An individualized plan of care

During and after the initial visit, our hospice team and your family work together to develop a plan of care that meets your pet’s individual needs for pain management, symptom control, comfort and companionship. We encourage frequent and regular communication to we can adjust the plan of care as often as needed.

A rewarding commitment

Providing hospice care for your pet means you will be taking upon yourself new responsibilities. This special commitment can be very rewarding, but it requires dedicating time, emotional energy, and physical strength [depending on the size of your pet]. The cost is lower than hospital treatment but should also be taken into account.

Helping pets with quality of life and peaceful partings

Schedule your Consultation today

At Compassionate Veterinary Hospice, you will find the loving care, support and guidance you are looking for to ensure your pet’s final journey is peaceful and gentle for your pet and your entire family.